The Free or Heavily Discounted Program Fund is a discretionary fund used to support groups unable to pay full or partial price for programming.

AMA’s participation in free community events, workshops for at-risk populations, and collaborative ventures with other organizations are examples of ways these funds may be used. Funding is determined based on a point scale of key criteria including financial need, mission-focus, at-risk populations served, community impact, and history of, or potential for, partnership opportunities.

This fund, created in 2024, is AMA’s way of giving back to the community who so wholly supports the organization’s efforts to provide therapeutic and educational visual art programming to all ages and abilities.


A support group for individuals affected by brain trauma and strokes contacted AMA in January.

These individuals were looking for knowledge about activities to make them stronger, more capable, more confident, and social.

The visual arts is a fun and challenging activity that can be made achievable for everyone! Making art increases happiness, encourages movement, and practices the verbal and motor goals set forth by occupational, speech, and physical therapists – perfect for those affected by brain injury.

The support group requested a presentation on this information while experiencing the benefits of painting at the same time.

But they couldn’t pay for travel, the presentation, or the painting supplies.

THIS fund allowed Awakening Minds Art to say yes anyway.

And because of that, a group of 16 individuals in-need were introduced to an activity they could achieve together or alone and learned how it could benefit them specifically.